The Nichols Mobile African American History Museum:

The N.M.A.H.M collects preserves and exhibits the rich heritage of African American people and educate inspire students in the present and future.
Each unit in the museum curriculum will focus on building vocabulary and comprehension through the use of primary and secondary sources. Pre-tour and post-tour activities provide research opportunities for students to use critical-thinking skills and formulate their own conclusions about each era discussed. Units can be spiraled into traditional units of study in the social studies classes. By using these units, teachers can collaborate with ELA teachers to enhance students’ writing skills.
After a tour of the NMAAHM exhibit, short answer response questions are written to assist students with persuasive and expository writing skills which are a high priority on ELA end-of-course tests.
Overall, the NMAAHM curriculum exposes students to a way of learning that will engage them for a lifetime. The museum will leave students wanting to know more about the units of study and will show them that African American history is important beyond the month of February because it is intertwined into the fabric of our nation’s history.
Roosevelt Nichols